The big lie: "Work will make you free."

Even the trees feel threatening at Auschwitz.

A gas chamber.

Crematoria ovens.

Double rows of electric fencing at Auschwitz. They say that every day people would throw themselves against it to kill themselves rather than face what went on in the camp.

Located about a mile away, Birkenau was the much bigger sister camp to Auschwitz. Its barracks went on for as far as the eye could see, and is what most people think of when they think of Auschwitz.

(Left) Entrance to Birkenau. What bothered me most about that area is that right next door were farmers and their draft horses plowing fields. I imagine it was like that even then, people going about their business and not willing or able to do anything about what was happening next door.
(Right) End of the line, the selection ramp.